Norinyl-1 (63)

  • Norinyl-1 is a combined oral contraceptive pill containg two active ingredients, norethisterone and mestranol.
  • Taken correctly it is over 99% effective. f you’re already taking Norinyl-1 you can reorder your pill using our online doctor service.


Norinyl -1 is a contraceptive pill used for the prevention of pregnancy. It contains two hormones -a progestogen called Norethisterone and an oestrogen called mestranol.

These two hormones help prevent pregnancy in three ways:

  • Eggs are no longer released from the ovaries
  • Fluid/mucus in your cervix becomes thicker, making it more difficult for the sperm to reach and enter the womb
  • Thickening of the womb occurs, not allowing enough space for an egg to grow.

The benefits of taking the Pill include:

  • It is one of the most reliable reversible methods of contraception when used correctly
  • it does not interrupt sex
  • it usually makes your periods regular, lighter and less painful
  • it may help with pre-menstrual symptoms.

Please note that the Norinyl pill does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) so you would require a condom to protect against this.

How to Use Norinyl-1

  • Take Norinyl -1 every day for 21 days, naturally concluding the course
  • Each packet of Norinyl contraceptive pill has strips of 21 pills- these are marked with a specified day
  • Ensure that you take the pill at the same time, every day
  • You should begin the course by taking one marked with the correct current day of the week
  • Each strip will have arrows guiding you to the next contraceptive pill, taking one each day until the course is finished
  • Each pill should be swallowed whole (not chewed) – taken with water if needed
  • Once the course is finished, have 7 days of pill-free days.

If you miss one of your Norinyl tablets, take a replacement as soon as you remember to (even if this means taking two at the same time) and continue the course at the same time of day as you usually would. It is recommended to take additional contraceptive precautions for the following days.

If you fall ill or suffer from severe diarrhoea within two hours of taking Norinyl-1 your body may not have absorbed the hormones from the pill. It is advisable to take a pill from a spare strip to compensate for this pill and then continue taking as normal with no extra contraception required.

If you are suffering from persistent vomiting and severe diarrhoea for more than 24 hours, additional contraceptive precautions should be taken and for an additional 7 days after recovery.

It is recommended to consult your doctor, family planning nurse or pharmacist for further advice as they may suggest emergency contraception.

Further information can be found on the manufacturers Patient Information Leaflet and printed if required.

Please see My Chemist Pluscontraception range for alternative contraception pills.

For further information on contraception see the NHS contraception section.

Combined Oral Contraceptive

The combined pill is another term for the pill, with the combined pill containing two artificial versions of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone which are produced naturally in the ovaries. The combined pill as a prevention of becoming pregnant is effective by 99%.

The recommended way to use the pill is to take one every day for 21 days then have a break for 7 days, during which time you should have a period. After 7 days you begin to take the pill again.

It is advised to take the pill at the same time every day to form a routine, otherwise there is a risk of pregnancy, particularly if you miss a pill or vomit or have severe diarrhoea.

Please note that some medicines can affect the efficiency of the pill so you should consult your doctor before taking any other tablets.

If you suffer from heavy or painful periods, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or endometriosis the combined pill can be an effective medication to help ease your symptoms.

Please note that the pill does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) so you would require a condom to protect against this.

How the combined pill works

  • It prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation)
  • It thickens the mucus in the neck of the womb, so it is harder for sperm to penetrate the womb and reach an egg
  • It thins the lining of the womb, so there is less chance of a fertilised egg implanting into the womb and being able to grow

There are a variety of brands of pill- these are made up of three main types:

Monophasic 21-day pills

The most common type of pill which has the same amount of hormone in it. One pill is taken every day for 21 days and then a break of 7 days. Microgynon, Marvelon, Yasmin and Cilest are all examples of this type of pill.

Phasic 21-day pills

Phasic pills contain two to three sections of different coloured pills within a pack with each section containing a different level of hormones. One pill is taken every day for 21 days and then a break of 7 days. It is important that Phasic pills are taken in the right order. Logynon is an example of this type of pill.

Every day (ED) pills

With ED pills there are 21 active pills and 7 inactive (dummy) pills within each pack. The two types of pills have a different appearance with one pill taken every day for 28 days with no break between the packets. It is important that the everyday pills are taken in the right order. Microgynon ED is an example of this type of pill.

Please ensure that you follow the instructions that come with your packet. If you have any questions you should consult your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist.

What to do if you miss a pill through sickness

If you miss a pill due to being sick, you should use another form of contraception until you have taken the pill again for 7 days without vomiting

Who can use the combined pill

If there are medical restrictions why you cannot take the pill and you are a non-smoker, you can take the pill until the menopause. However, the pill is not the most suitable method of contraception, so you should consult your doctor, nurse or pharmacist to see if this is right for you.

You should not take the pill if you:

  • are pregnant
  • smoke and are 35 or older
  • stopped smoking less than a year ago and are 35 or older
  • are very overweight
  • take certain medicines (ask your GP or a health professional at a contraception clinic about this)

You should also not take the pill if you have (or have had):

  • thrombosis (a blood clot) in a vein, for example in your leg or lungs
  • a stroke or any other disease that narrows the arteries
  • anyone in your close family having a blood clot under the age of 45
  • a heart abnormality or heart disease, including high blood pressure
  • severe migraines, especially with aura (warning symptoms)
  • breast cancer
  • disease of the gallbladder or liver
  • diabetes with complications or diabetes for the past 20 years

Risks of taking the combined pill

There are some risks associated with the combined contraceptive pill however these are minimal and for most women, the benefits the pill can provide outweigh the risks.

These risks include:

  • Blood clots- The oestrogen in the pill may cause your blood to clot more readily. If a blood clot develops, it could cause deep vein thrombosis (clot in your leg) or pulmonary embolus (clot in your lung)
  • stroke
  • heart attack

The chances of developing a blood clot is very minimal but your doctor will check if you have certain factors that could put you at risk before they prescribe the pill.

The pill can still be taken with caution if you are identified with a risk factor but is unlikely to be prescribed if you have two or more risk factors

These include:

  • being 35 years old or over
  • being a smoker or having quit smoking in the past year
  • being very overweight (in women with a BMI of 35 or over, the risks of using the pill usually outweigh the benefits)
  • having migraines (you should not take the pill if you have severe or regular migraine attacks, especially if you get aura or a warning sign before an attack)
  • having high blood pressure
  • having had a blood clot or stroke in the past
  • having a close relative who had a blood clot when they were younger than 45
  • being immobile for a long time – for example, in a wheelchair or with a leg in plaster
  • Cancer

There is ongoing research between the link to breast cancer and the pill, it is suggested that users of all types of hormonal contraception have a slightly higher chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer compared to those that don’t use them. However, 10 years after you stop taking the pill, your risk of breast cancer goes back to normal.

Research has also suggested a link between the pill and the risk of developing cervical cancer and a rare form of liver cancer. However, the pill does offer some protection against developing womb (endometrial) cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

Additional information

Weight N/A

126 Tablets (six months), 63 Tablets (3 months)