About Us
My Chemist Plus
Your safety will always be our priority
Our years of experience and knowledge acquired from working within the NHS sector, has led us to develop a healthcare solution which is based on the same principles as the NHS. We have highlighted and focused on the need for the patients to be involved in their treatment decision making process. We strongly believe that this approach will allow you to be more compliant with your treatment, and therefore more likely to achieve a positive outcome.

My Chemist Plus
A Safe, Effective and Discreet Platform
Our Priority will be to assist you, by practicing within our field of expertise, and allowing you to access medical advice and treatment through a safe, effective and discreet platform. However there may be instances where we cannot, and will not act as a replacement to your Family GP. In such cases we will always refer you to your own doctor/prescriber where we feel the need to do so.
Our Responsible Pharmacist
Company name: Remepharm Ltd
Unit A, Unity House, Fletcher Street, Bolton BL3 6NE
United Kingdom
01204 450113
Company number: 15904237
Super intendent pharmacist:
Hussain Member
GPhC 2221167
Independent Prescriber:
Hussain Member
GPhC 2221167
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