When it comes to dental emergencies, sometimes you may only require a prescription to ease the pain as it is not necessary to make an appointment with a dentist just for medication. At My Chemist Plus, our online prescribers can provide you the treatment and medication required to effectively cure the infection or pain directly to you in the Birmingham area.

More people are now turning to online services when it comes to their teeth, mainly due to there being longer waiting times in getting a dentist appointment in Birmingham. If you notice you have a tooth infection or a dental abscess, our online prescribers can help treat the bacterial infection through the means of an online consultation. Our prescribers will then carefully review your symptoms and can give you the advice and prescription required to help you feeling better in no time. We do always recommend making an in-office visit with a dentist as antibiotics may relieve the pain, however, if the pain continues, you could require a root canal or even tooth removal.

My Chemist Plus provides a convenient online dental service that supplies virtual dentist prescriptions directly to you, so you can get the treatment you need without having to leave your home or work. If you are facing a dental emergency and you don’t have time to schedule an appointment locally in Birmingham, you can access our conveniently online prescription service today and we can get you the treatment as fast as possible. Don’t suffer unnecessarily with dental pain, contact us today.